Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Serial Number dan cheat the sims3

ini dia serial numbernya. .:

dan ini cheat nya. .:

Cheat Sims 3 pada permainan sims 3 waktu sedang dimainkan anda langsung tekan [ctrl]+[shift]+C yang bertujuan untuk membuka kotak console di sims 3. Setelah itu ketikan testingcheatsenabled – testing cheats on objects. Dimana akan menghasilkan beberapa kode cheat seperti contoh dibawah ini:

Silakan copy Cheat Sims 3:

Help – Display most cheats
Kaching – 1,000 more Simoleons
Motherlode – 50,000 more Simoleons
shazaam – +2,500 lifetime happiness points to active Sim
freerealestate – Ignore the cost when buying a lot
modify traits – Set or clear traits
add to household – Add active Sim to current household
set age [number] – Set age of the Sim
edit in cas – Take the Sim back to Create-a-Sim
set career [career/level] – Give selected Sim a career
force opportunity – Click career building you work at to force an opportunity
force event – Click career building you work at to force an event
force all events – Click career building to display all events for the career consecutively
force service sim [name] – Force a specific service Sim to appear
force visitor – Forces a neighbor to show up
make me know everyone – Selected Sim knows every other Sim
make friends for me – Make several random friends for selected Sim
make happy – Sets all mood/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect; removes negative moodlets
make motives [static or dynamic] – Set motives static or dynamic for entire household
unlockOutfits [on or off] – View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 1]
moveObjects [on or off] – No limitations for placing/moving objects
resetSim [first name] [last name] – Return Sims to safe and neutral state at home
constrainFloorElevation [true or false] – Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] – Objects will not snap to slots while holding [Alt]
fadeObjects [on or off] – Objects fade when camera gets close to them
snapObjectsToAngle [true or false] – Toggle
45 degree angle object snap
snapObjectsToGrid [true or false] – Toggle snap to grid for placed objects
hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] – Show talk/thought balloons above Sim’s head
jokePlease – Print random joke to console
enablellamas [on or off] – Llamas enabled message
slowMotionViz: [0-8] – Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest
testingCheatsenabled [true or false] – Enable testing cheats [Note 2]
fps [on or off] – Toggle framerate display at top right
fullscreen [on or off] – Full screen
quit – Quit the game

5 komentar:

  1. kalau mau download gimana caranya?balas aja ya ke emailku:prima_anak@yahoo.co.id


    1. kalo mau jangan download dari internet, beli aja CD-nya. kan murah

    2. download aja di pirate bay (y)

  2. Jangan beli mendingan ambil aja cdnya dari aku gratis.

  3. setelah masukin cheat lngsung tekan enter y ?? / gmn ?
